25 December 2012
Merry & Happy Christmas from Alek Boyd's Blog
London 14.12.12 - Most of the investigations I have published this year relate to individuals and companies with unsavory connections to brutal regimes, whose actions would have gone otherwise unnoticed. Exposing criminals like Chavez and members of his cabal is difficult and expensive. In this spirit, donations to the website would be very much appreciated. A gift of $50 or $5,000 would make a significant difference, both technically and substantively, in pursuing more transparency in Venezuela, Paraguay, and even the UK. Any gift is welcome. Please be assured of the absolute discretion of your contribution. In the same vein, please avoid special requests in exchange for donations: my integrity is not for sale.
20 December 2012
Derwick Associates y su "comunicado" en El Nacional

Demás está decir que las solicitudes hechas por esos individuos en aquella oportunidad, de investigar los dizque "hechos ilícitos" que me atribuían, no llegaron a ningún lado, debido a que toda la información que publiqué al respecto estaba soportada por evidencia irrefutable, que indicaba que North American Opinion Research era poco más que una empresa de maletín.
Traigo todo esto a colación, pues hace un par de dias, otro grupo de imbéciles, al frente de otra empresa de maletin (Derwick Associates), publicó, esta vez en El Nacional, un "comunicado a la opinión publica", en el cual hacen una serie de señalamientos, igual de infundados y risibles a los que hicieran con anterioridad los bichitos de North American Opinion Research.
En esta ocasión soy dizque agente de una "campaña de difamación en contra de Derwick Associates", que estaría siendo orquestada por Oscar Garcia Mendoza. En esta supuesta conspiración galáctica contra el dizque buen nombre (¿en dónde?) de los imberbes de Derwick Associates, me estaría acompañando Steven Bodzin, antiguo corresponsal de Bloomberg, y Cesar Batiz, periodista reconocido internacionalmente de Últimas Noticias.
En realidad, quien quiera que esté asesorando a Derwick Associates, le está haciendo una maldad a esos pobres muchachos. Si el propósito primordial de los directivos de Derwick es defender su dizque honor mancillado, lo peor que pueden hacer es andar acusando a periodistas, y blogueros, y mandando cartas de amenazas legales de un abogado gringo, que ni siquiera es capaz de enviar sus misivas en el idioma apropiado. Lo peor que pueden hacer, es estar demandando en cortes americanas, donde cada una de sus aseveraciones va a ser cuestionada, y el culebrón que se inventaron va a exponer, tanto a ellos como a sus abogados dizque atrinca, a todo tipo de contra demandas.
Si Venezuela fuera un país donde imperase el estado de derecho, el comunicado de Derwick con postura inquisidora, daría pie a una serie de acciones legales en su contra, como por ejemplo:
- Cesar Batiz podría demandar, por difamación.
- Ditto Últimas Noticias.
- Steven Bodzin, si así lo decidiese, podría demandar por difamación.
- Alek Boyd, si así lo decidiese, podría demandar por difamación.
- Oscar García Mendoza podría demandar por difamación.
- El estado venezolano, ante las gravísimas denuncias hechas por Cesar Batiz, podría demandar a Derwick Associates por enriquecimiento ilícito, sobreprecio en contratos públicos, incumplimiento de contratos, sub-contratación, etc.
- La Fiscalía General podría iniciar investigaciones penales sobre los directivos de Derwick.
- La Superintendencia de Bancos podría iniciar investigaciones sobre movimientos ilícitos de capital al extranjero por parte de Derwick.
- Los entes públicos a los cuales Batiz solicitó información sobre contratos con Derwick iniciarían acciones para publicar, inmediatamente, todo lo relativo a los contratos con esa empresa.
- El Tribunal Supremo declararía ilegales excusas ridículas de confidencialidad, relacionadas a negativas de revelar información sobre contratos donde están en juego miles de millones de dólares del erario público.
- La policía política investigaría las relaciones personales, y profesionales entre altos funcionarios del chavismo y directivos de Derwick.
- La Asamblea Nacional nombraría una comisión investigadora para determinar si las contrataciones entre Derwick y diferentes entes del estado venezolano fueron hechas en el marco de leyes vigentes.
- El Ministerio de Interior y Justicia exigiría al Instituto de Puertos y Aeropuertos todos los records de vuelos de aeronaves asociadas u operadas por Derwick, para determinar la identidad de todos los pasajeros que han utilizado dichas aeronaves.
- La CVG demandaría a Derwick, por incumplimiento de contratos.
- Bariven podría demandar a Derwick, por incumplimiento de contratos.
- PDVSA podría demandar a Derwick, por incumplimiento de contratos.
- La Fiscalía General iniciaría una investigación interna para determinar la razón por la cual la solicitud de averiguación hecha por el editor del diario Últimas Noticias no ha prosperado.
- La Asamblea Nacional interpelaría, entre otros, a Hugo Chavez, a Rafael Ramirez, a Nervis Villalobos, a Luis Pulido, a Javier Alvarado, a Rodolfo Sanz.
En suma, la lista previa no es exhaustiva, un escándalo de corrupción de estas dimensiones, no pasaría desapercibido, y lo más probable para los recién vestidos de Derwick, repito en un país democrático donde imperase el estado de derecho, sería probablemente cárcel, muchos años de cárcel. Sería embargo de bienes, congelamiento de cuentas, etc. En Venezuela, sin embargo, un periodista haciendo su trabajo, que no es otro que reportar asuntos de interés publico, es objeto de intimidaciones, de presiones de todo tipo, no solo de los timadores a quienes ha expuesto, sino del alto gobierno, de ministerios, de la policía política, y de medios de comunicación privados que se venden al mejor postor, como El Nacional, que publica "comunicados" pagos en paginas de sociedad.
Venezuela dista mucho de ser un estado de derecho. Es un conuco, controlado por un megalómano golpista y apátrida, donde individuos de escasísimo intelecto devienen en multimillonarios de la noche a la mañana. Lo hemos visto, a todo nivel, desde que Chavez llego al poder. Fernandez Barrueco, Arne Chacon, Wilmer Ruperti, los dizque banqueros, Eva Golinger, chofer de autobus como ungido... Es un estado vergonzoso de cosas, por cuanto indica que quienes "triunfan" en la Venezuela actual, quienes se imponen, no son los más aptos, sino los más amorales, los más corruptos, los más ineptos, los más sucios. Y esa chusma de gente obra con absoluta impunidad en Venezuela. Pero ahora les ha dado por dar el salto a la escena internacional, y con la bola de billete que se han robado pues pueden contratar todo tipo de servicios, de relacionistas públicos y bufetes neoyorquinos, para que dizque les laven una imagen que no tienen, que nunca han tenido.
Desafortunadamente, para quienes deben sus fortunas a la dedocracia chavista, aquí afuera las cosas no han llegado aun a ese estado de descomposición. Hampones de cuello blanco hay por todos lados, pero aquí, cuando los descubren, como hizo Cesar Batiz, les quitan hasta los calzoncillos Calvin Klein, como de hecho le sucedió en España al bicho cuya finca en Toledo compraron los directivos de Derwick por €22,79 millones. Aquí afuera todo se sabe, cada vez es más difícil esconder dinero mal habido, y tarde o temprano, sea el FBI, o el Departamento del Tesoro de los EEUU, u otras entidades en Europa, la justicia terminará por imponerse.
Lo que les queda a los adolescentes de Derwick es quedarse en Venezuela, y jugar al malo, al "yo soy el más arrecho en esta verga" allá donde pueden. Sus amenazas, allende las fronteras, ni asustan ni lograran silenciar a nadie.
9 December 2012
FBI looking at Derwick Associates
London 09.12.2012 - Ultimas Noticias, Venezuela's most-read newspaper let's not forget, published today another article about Derwick Associates by Cesar Batiz, loosely translated as "FBI looking at Venezuelan company". Batiz is the investigative reporter who was recently recognised for his series of articles exposing overpricing -in the hundreds of millions of dollars- by three companies that had been contracted by the Venezuelan State to solve the power crisis. One of those three companies is Derwick Associates.
In his latest instalment, Batiz comments on information that Steven Bodzin and I shared with him, about U.S. agencies -such as Treasury, Homeland Security, State- and the FBI, phishing for information about Derwick Associates and its American partners in Google. As I explained, it is rather easy to find out who visits this blog, and how visitors get here, just by accessing the blog's visits' statistics. Thus, since I started writing about Derwick, back in October, I have seen an increase of visits from those agencies, and have tweeted about it. This picked Batiz's interest, so he did the only right thing to do, and sent a request for comment to Derwick. From there, things have taken expected and entirely predictable turns.
As Batiz reports today, Derwick Associates denies any knowledge about U.S. Federal Agencies looking for information about them. It would be silly to think that they would admit otherwise, but the question had to be asked. Derwick repeated again a number of preposterous allegations about being victimised by some sort of global defamation campaign, orchestrated from the office of Oscar Garcia Mendoza. Derwick Associates went further in its reply to Batiz, and claimed that I am a proxy of Garcia Mendoza. This merits further probing.
Since Batiz first published about it on August 2011, Derwick Associates and its Kasowitz Benson Torres Friedman lawyers have been sending threatening letters to most of the people who, at one time or another, have made comments and / or written about Batiz's work. Batiz, and Ultimas Noticias, are the origin of Derwick's PR nightmare. But only last week did Hector Torres (New York-based Derwick's lawyer) send one of his letters to Batiz, who is based in Caracas. Torres' letter was in English, perhaps no one has explained to Mr Torres that Venezuela's official language is Spanish. It would seem that Mr Torres due diligence on his clients is not up to par either, but more on that later.
I have taken a keen interest in Derwick Associates. To be perfectly frank, it fascinates me how a bunch of inexperienced kids managed to get 12 contracts from the Chavez regime. This is not some fluke, the odd contract here or there. No. This is über dedocracy we are talking about. In fact, Derwick claims in its lawsuit against Garcia Mendoza that they participated in 25 bidding processes, of which they got 12 contracts. That is to say, a fly-by-night, without credible track record anywhere managed to win half the bids the Venezuelan State allegedly put out to solve the electricity crisis nationwide? When I put this to Batiz, he said "whoa, 25 bidding processes? Where? Licitamail (website that lists Venezuelan public bids) didn't even publish information about 25 calls for bids!"
So I have been doing some digging, and found, for instance, that Derwick Associates appears as airplane operator in Spain's Official Gazette (Boletin Official del Estado). There are reports in the Spanish press about Derwick's CEO, Alejandro Betancourt Lopez, awe-inspiring, four-day-celebrations, 500-guests wedding, attended by people that arrived in 20 private jets. I passed all that info to Batiz, and he fetched Derwick's Falcon 2000 N-plate (pictured) from a source. With that it was easy to find further info (page 153), and some flight logs. There's also the bit about the 1,600-hectares hunting farm that Derwick Associates allegedly bought in Toledo (Spain) from (now jailed) conman Gerardo Diaz Ferran. I have been trying to get my hands on documents related to this purchase, to clear some doubts as per role of Alejandro Betancourt's mother and others in the operation, but have met with a rather hostile and totally uncooperative registrar in Registro de la Propiedad de Escalona, who simply refused to send documentation -which is far from secret- from the registry.
Every attempt made to date by Batiz, and Ultimas Noticias' editor, to get more information about the contracts between Derwick and PDVSA, CORPOELEC, and EDC has been met with silence by Derwick and official stonewalling. Derwick's argument to Batiz is that it can not reveal content of contracts for confidentiality reasons, which is simply bullshit: there's not a single piece of current legislation in Venezuela that allows public institutions to spend public funds contracting with Venezuelan companies that permits confidentiality clauses. It is unknown just how much public money it got in total, what is crystal clear is that the Derwick boys are burning it, in all manner of fancy toys, like there's no tomorrow, properly grotesque nouveau rich behaviour. Moreover, these parvenues might just have provided involuntarily plausible explanations of the alleged overpricing.
Despite all its seemingly ill-gotten wealth, however, Derwick Associates has a huge PR problem. It draw -unnecessarily- much attention to itself when it sued Oscar Garcia Mendoza in a Florida court, and started threatening bloggers and journalists all over the place. Its tactics have been idiotic, to put it mildly. Some clueless SEO hacks have been busy registering -on Derwick's behalf- dozens of domains that include the names of Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt Lopez and Pedro Trebbau Lopez in it (such as leopoldoalejandrobetancourtlopez.org). Variations of same domain names -including Derwick- have also been registered (such as pedrotrebbaulopezderwick.com). In general, all websites contain information that has no relation whatsoever to Derwick's only known line of business. But what's that lot trying to hide, that they need so many fake websites with totally irrelevant information? Then, there's their lawyers' letters, when that fails, they send halfwit spin-doctors to deal with the issue. When that fails, they openly admit they are trying to delete information from Wikipedia!
Derwick is now claiming, without explicitly mentioning my name, that I am a proxy of Oscar Garcia Mendoza. Derwick has also mentioned this blog as part of a "defamation campaign". Derwick's Wikipedia editor (FinanceReferee) diligently informed yesterday about an amendment to the original claim, filed on Friday. How did he/she know so quickly that Derwick had filed an amendment? More evidence, if that was ever needed, of the utter unreliability of Wikipedia, amenable to editing by all sorts of disreputable characters.
As of this writing, I must be the only person who is yet to receive a threatening letter from Mr Torres and / or his clients. I actually look forward to any form of communication from Derwick Associates, which if I get will be replying here. The further Derwick Associates carries on with its kill-a-mosquito-with-a-bazooka strategy, while ignoring Batiz's perfectly valid questions, the worse it'll turn out for them. Their claims of proven track record, experience, business methods and so on have been grossly exaggerated and just don't stack up. It was very easy to double check Betancourt's and Trebbau's work experience claims with Venezuela's National Insurance contributions database (IVSS). There's loads of evidence to expose Derwick Associates as liars just a click away. If the Derwick boys are stupid or ignorant enough to insist in having their day in an independent court of law, in America, their non-existent reputation, and their sudden wealth, will be damaged forevermore.
In his latest instalment, Batiz comments on information that Steven Bodzin and I shared with him, about U.S. agencies -such as Treasury, Homeland Security, State- and the FBI, phishing for information about Derwick Associates and its American partners in Google. As I explained, it is rather easy to find out who visits this blog, and how visitors get here, just by accessing the blog's visits' statistics. Thus, since I started writing about Derwick, back in October, I have seen an increase of visits from those agencies, and have tweeted about it. This picked Batiz's interest, so he did the only right thing to do, and sent a request for comment to Derwick. From there, things have taken expected and entirely predictable turns.
As Batiz reports today, Derwick Associates denies any knowledge about U.S. Federal Agencies looking for information about them. It would be silly to think that they would admit otherwise, but the question had to be asked. Derwick repeated again a number of preposterous allegations about being victimised by some sort of global defamation campaign, orchestrated from the office of Oscar Garcia Mendoza. Derwick Associates went further in its reply to Batiz, and claimed that I am a proxy of Garcia Mendoza. This merits further probing.
Since Batiz first published about it on August 2011, Derwick Associates and its Kasowitz Benson Torres Friedman lawyers have been sending threatening letters to most of the people who, at one time or another, have made comments and / or written about Batiz's work. Batiz, and Ultimas Noticias, are the origin of Derwick's PR nightmare. But only last week did Hector Torres (New York-based Derwick's lawyer) send one of his letters to Batiz, who is based in Caracas. Torres' letter was in English, perhaps no one has explained to Mr Torres that Venezuela's official language is Spanish. It would seem that Mr Torres due diligence on his clients is not up to par either, but more on that later.
I have taken a keen interest in Derwick Associates. To be perfectly frank, it fascinates me how a bunch of inexperienced kids managed to get 12 contracts from the Chavez regime. This is not some fluke, the odd contract here or there. No. This is über dedocracy we are talking about. In fact, Derwick claims in its lawsuit against Garcia Mendoza that they participated in 25 bidding processes, of which they got 12 contracts. That is to say, a fly-by-night, without credible track record anywhere managed to win half the bids the Venezuelan State allegedly put out to solve the electricity crisis nationwide? When I put this to Batiz, he said "whoa, 25 bidding processes? Where? Licitamail (website that lists Venezuelan public bids) didn't even publish information about 25 calls for bids!"
![]() |
Derwick Associates' N229DA Falcon 2000 |
Every attempt made to date by Batiz, and Ultimas Noticias' editor, to get more information about the contracts between Derwick and PDVSA, CORPOELEC, and EDC has been met with silence by Derwick and official stonewalling. Derwick's argument to Batiz is that it can not reveal content of contracts for confidentiality reasons, which is simply bullshit: there's not a single piece of current legislation in Venezuela that allows public institutions to spend public funds contracting with Venezuelan companies that permits confidentiality clauses. It is unknown just how much public money it got in total, what is crystal clear is that the Derwick boys are burning it, in all manner of fancy toys, like there's no tomorrow, properly grotesque nouveau rich behaviour. Moreover, these parvenues might just have provided involuntarily plausible explanations of the alleged overpricing.
Despite all its seemingly ill-gotten wealth, however, Derwick Associates has a huge PR problem. It draw -unnecessarily- much attention to itself when it sued Oscar Garcia Mendoza in a Florida court, and started threatening bloggers and journalists all over the place. Its tactics have been idiotic, to put it mildly. Some clueless SEO hacks have been busy registering -on Derwick's behalf- dozens of domains that include the names of Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt Lopez and Pedro Trebbau Lopez in it (such as leopoldoalejandrobetancourtlopez.org). Variations of same domain names -including Derwick- have also been registered (such as pedrotrebbaulopezderwick.com). In general, all websites contain information that has no relation whatsoever to Derwick's only known line of business. But what's that lot trying to hide, that they need so many fake websites with totally irrelevant information? Then, there's their lawyers' letters, when that fails, they send halfwit spin-doctors to deal with the issue. When that fails, they openly admit they are trying to delete information from Wikipedia!
Derwick is now claiming, without explicitly mentioning my name, that I am a proxy of Oscar Garcia Mendoza. Derwick has also mentioned this blog as part of a "defamation campaign". Derwick's Wikipedia editor (FinanceReferee) diligently informed yesterday about an amendment to the original claim, filed on Friday. How did he/she know so quickly that Derwick had filed an amendment? More evidence, if that was ever needed, of the utter unreliability of Wikipedia, amenable to editing by all sorts of disreputable characters.
As of this writing, I must be the only person who is yet to receive a threatening letter from Mr Torres and / or his clients. I actually look forward to any form of communication from Derwick Associates, which if I get will be replying here. The further Derwick Associates carries on with its kill-a-mosquito-with-a-bazooka strategy, while ignoring Batiz's perfectly valid questions, the worse it'll turn out for them. Their claims of proven track record, experience, business methods and so on have been grossly exaggerated and just don't stack up. It was very easy to double check Betancourt's and Trebbau's work experience claims with Venezuela's National Insurance contributions database (IVSS). There's loads of evidence to expose Derwick Associates as liars just a click away. If the Derwick boys are stupid or ignorant enough to insist in having their day in an independent court of law, in America, their non-existent reputation, and their sudden wealth, will be damaged forevermore.
5 December 2012
Diaz Ferran detenido por blanqueo de dinero. ¿Y qué de Derwick?
Londres 05.12.12 - Reporta El País de España sobre la detención de Gerardo Diaz Ferrán por blanqueo de dinero. Curioso, no? Gerardo Diaz Ferrán. Viajes Marsans. Derwick Associates. Los dos primeros temas han llenado, y continúan llenando, las paginas de actualidad de los diarios mas importantes de España. Una estafa de millones de euros, desaparecidos, o despilfarrados, en aventuras de un megalómano irresponsable. Miles de trabajadores a quienes no se les podrá pagar lo adeudado. Luego el tercer tema, Derwick Associates. Aunque desconocido en España, presente en las paginas de los mas importantes medios de Venezuela, la tierra del caudillo Hugo Chavez. Cientos de millones de dolares, producto de sobreprecios en la venta al estado de plantas generadoras de electricidad, igualmente desaparecidos. ¿Cómo se relacionan estos tres temas? Pasemos al despilfarro.
Administración Concursal de Viajes Marsans. Embarga bienes e inmuebles que eran propiedad de Diaz Ferrán, y los liquida, a través de subasta publica. Uno de esos bienes, la Finca El Alamín, ubicada en Toledo, fue adquirida por Derwick Associates, por €25 millones. Al respecto de las “normas aplicables a toda oferta de la propuesta del plan de liquidación”, la Administración Concursal publica en su portal web lo siguiente (ver punto 5):
En cualquier caso, tanto el banco del comprador, como el del vendedor y el Banco de España están obligados a cumplir una serie de normativas legales para impedir el blanqueo de capitales. Cabe preguntarse entonces: ¿han cumplido los bancos descritos con las obligaciones legales del caso? ¿No es motivo de atención acaso que una empresa, que se registró en España en enero de 2011 con apenas €10.000, pueda pagar €25 millones por una finca? Los hechos sugieren que ni las autoridades de la Administración Concursal, ni los bancos involucrados, cuestionaron el origen de los fondos de Derwick Associates, cuyos dueños, Alejandro Betancourt Lopez y Pedro Trebbau, apenas pasan de los 30.
En Venezuela, no solo la prensa cuestiona el sobreprecio multimillonario en los contratos entre Derwick Associates y PDVSA, la Electricidad de Caracas, Corpoelec y la Corporación Venezolana de Guayana. Hasta el recién designado Ministro para la Energía Eléctrica, Hector Navarro, dizque ha recibido instrucciones de Hugo Chavez para examinar las múltiples denuncias sobre los contratos entre Derwick Associates y el estado venezolano.
Mientras eso pasa en Venezuela, Alejandro Betancourt Lopez contrata en España a la hija del Marqués de Griñón para que le organize la boda, algunos diarios reportaron sobre los 20 jets privados, llegados desde Venezuela para transportar desde tequeños hasta bandas de reggaeton, 500 invitados, 4 días de ostentosa celebración, mas acorde con el más burdo y obsceno nuevoriquismo que con la discreción típica de las clases adineradas de siempre. Luego Betancourt Lopez se da un baño de legitimidad en la iglesia de San Jerónimo El Real, paga finca y todo lo demás con dinero supuestamente mal habido, y nadie se pregunta: ¿y de dónde saca la pasta este tío?
Administración Concursal de Viajes Marsans. Embarga bienes e inmuebles que eran propiedad de Diaz Ferrán, y los liquida, a través de subasta publica. Uno de esos bienes, la Finca El Alamín, ubicada en Toledo, fue adquirida por Derwick Associates, por €25 millones. Al respecto de las “normas aplicables a toda oferta de la propuesta del plan de liquidación”, la Administración Concursal publica en su portal web lo siguiente (ver punto 5):
“El pago del precio fijado para la adjudicación o venta de cada uno de los bienes se realizará mediante ingreso (efectivo, transferencia “Banco de España” o cheque bancario) en la cuenta intervenida por la Administración Concursal, abierta a nombre de VIAJES MARSANS S.A.-ADMINISTRACIÓN CONCURSAL, que se facilitará a los interesados.”El pago “para la adjudicación o venta” de bienes puede hacerse de tres formas: efectivo, transferencia “Banco de España” o cheque. Seria tonto pensar que alguien va a pagar €25 millones en efectivo. Las transferencias “Banco de España” ocurren, según tenemos entendido, de la siguiente forma: el banco del comprador (Derwick) transfiere al banco del vendedor (Administración Concursal) la cantidad acordada. Ambos bancos poseen cuentas de tesorería en el Banco de España, el cual, procesa internamente la transferencia de una cuenta a otra. La otra forma de pago aceptable, según la Administración Concursal, es a través de cheque.
En cualquier caso, tanto el banco del comprador, como el del vendedor y el Banco de España están obligados a cumplir una serie de normativas legales para impedir el blanqueo de capitales. Cabe preguntarse entonces: ¿han cumplido los bancos descritos con las obligaciones legales del caso? ¿No es motivo de atención acaso que una empresa, que se registró en España en enero de 2011 con apenas €10.000, pueda pagar €25 millones por una finca? Los hechos sugieren que ni las autoridades de la Administración Concursal, ni los bancos involucrados, cuestionaron el origen de los fondos de Derwick Associates, cuyos dueños, Alejandro Betancourt Lopez y Pedro Trebbau, apenas pasan de los 30.
En Venezuela, no solo la prensa cuestiona el sobreprecio multimillonario en los contratos entre Derwick Associates y PDVSA, la Electricidad de Caracas, Corpoelec y la Corporación Venezolana de Guayana. Hasta el recién designado Ministro para la Energía Eléctrica, Hector Navarro, dizque ha recibido instrucciones de Hugo Chavez para examinar las múltiples denuncias sobre los contratos entre Derwick Associates y el estado venezolano.
Mientras eso pasa en Venezuela, Alejandro Betancourt Lopez contrata en España a la hija del Marqués de Griñón para que le organize la boda, algunos diarios reportaron sobre los 20 jets privados, llegados desde Venezuela para transportar desde tequeños hasta bandas de reggaeton, 500 invitados, 4 días de ostentosa celebración, mas acorde con el más burdo y obsceno nuevoriquismo que con la discreción típica de las clases adineradas de siempre. Luego Betancourt Lopez se da un baño de legitimidad en la iglesia de San Jerónimo El Real, paga finca y todo lo demás con dinero supuestamente mal habido, y nadie se pregunta: ¿y de dónde saca la pasta este tío?
1 December 2012
Whatever happened to CVG's $500-million held in Gazprombank?
London 01.12.12 - The image on the right is the first page, of what sources alleged to be a two-page fax, sent by Alejandro Betancourt to buyers of steelmaker Corporación Venezolana de Guayana (CVG). Its contents are quite self explanatory: date (Sep 04 09), time (06:36pm), name of sender (Alejandro Betancourt), fax number from where it was sent (58-212-9777399), and instructions to buyers to pay / transfer into a Gazprombank account.
El Universal journalist, Joseph Poliszuk, reported on both the fax and a request for a penal investigation filed with Bolivar state Attorney's Office, questioning former head of CVG Rodolfo Sanz's propriety in dealing with millions of public funds. Venezuela's Attorney General's Office admitted the request, and appointed Public Prosecutor Pedro Buitrago to investigate the issue. Journalist Cesar Batiz, from Ultimas Noticias, went further, and was able to establish in his expose about Derwick Associates that the same fax number was used by "Javier Andres Alvarado Pardi, son of the former president of the EDC and former vice minister of Electricity Development."
The allegation that Sanz, on behalf on CVG, has been mismanaging public funds held in a Gazprombank account in Lebanon does not seem to be supported by the evidence provided, in my opinion. Central to the allegations, is the fax above. Do note, however, that it instructs buyers to pay into an account (30 111 840 900 0000 05861) belonging to Gazprombank Invest (Lebanon) SAL in Moscow, not in Lebanon, as has been argued in nearly all reports about this issue. The swift code provided, GAZPRUMM, belongs to Gazprombank in Moscow. Therefore any investigation into the alleged disappearance of $500 million worth of CVG funds should start in Putin's fiefdom.
But then I found an annual report from Gazprombank, from 2009, with an entry (page 68) about a $200-million "Pre-export financing for product delivery" line of credit to CVG. It corresponds with statements to the effect made by Sanz, about a $200-million line of credit with the "market's lowest interest" at 8.8%.
So the questions are:
El Universal journalist, Joseph Poliszuk, reported on both the fax and a request for a penal investigation filed with Bolivar state Attorney's Office, questioning former head of CVG Rodolfo Sanz's propriety in dealing with millions of public funds. Venezuela's Attorney General's Office admitted the request, and appointed Public Prosecutor Pedro Buitrago to investigate the issue. Journalist Cesar Batiz, from Ultimas Noticias, went further, and was able to establish in his expose about Derwick Associates that the same fax number was used by "Javier Andres Alvarado Pardi, son of the former president of the EDC and former vice minister of Electricity Development."
The allegation that Sanz, on behalf on CVG, has been mismanaging public funds held in a Gazprombank account in Lebanon does not seem to be supported by the evidence provided, in my opinion. Central to the allegations, is the fax above. Do note, however, that it instructs buyers to pay into an account (30 111 840 900 0000 05861) belonging to Gazprombank Invest (Lebanon) SAL in Moscow, not in Lebanon, as has been argued in nearly all reports about this issue. The swift code provided, GAZPRUMM, belongs to Gazprombank in Moscow. Therefore any investigation into the alleged disappearance of $500 million worth of CVG funds should start in Putin's fiefdom.
But then I found an annual report from Gazprombank, from 2009, with an entry (page 68) about a $200-million "Pre-export financing for product delivery" line of credit to CVG. It corresponds with statements to the effect made by Sanz, about a $200-million line of credit with the "market's lowest interest" at 8.8%.
So the questions are:
- did Sanz settle with Gazprombank the $200-million + interest debt?
- If yes, how much was finally paid?
- If not, why it hasn't, considering allegations that about $500-million were allegedly paid into designated account by buyers?
- How much is left in the account?
- Why was that document sent from Alejandro Betancourt's fax, is it because he was / is Gazprombank's representative in Venezuela, as claimed by Sanz, and by Betancourt?
- What does Sanz & Betancourt have to say about it?
- Have Sanz & Betancourt been summoned by the Prosecutor to explain their actions & involvement?
- Given that Gazprombank is now, officially, a partner of the Venezuelan State in a joint venture, what's it take in all this?
- In light of point 8, is Derwick's Alejandro Betancourt still Gazprom's and Gazprombank's representative for the "Andean region"?
- What's the status of the investigation?
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